Matthew Verschuur’s “National Gospel” is available for download:
This short book discusses:
- What the Gospel is about and how it is currently viewed as primarily individualistic rather than targeting people groups.
- The implications of the promise to Abraham about nations being blessed. The national focus of the Great Commission. The general Bible promises and prophecies of converting the Gentiles and the heathen. What the Gospel does for a nation.
- Understanding spiritual Israel, Bible prophecy interpretation, Infidelity and its effect on Roman Catholicism. Overview of the blessing of the latter days before the return of Christ and giving hope that whole nations can still be reached.
- Considering the stone that strikes the image in Daniel chapter two. Was Thomas Foster right to teach that the stone represents Britain? Has God planned to use certain nations for the Gospel in history?
- Considering the vision of the Ancient of days and the Son of man in Daniel chapter seven. Are these people symbols representing some work of God in history?
- The cleansing of the Church and readiness for national changes in light of great international events such as the Gog-led Magog invasion and its results, including for the conversion of the Jewish nation.
All of this and much more packed into a book which is designed for knowledgeable Christians.