King James Bible Glossary
King James Bible words should be defined, not based on the Hebrew, Syriack and Greek they are translated from, but by English itself. Many KJB word lists already exist, and each differs to the other in what words they define and what detail they go to. This glossary is designed to augment normal word lists and good dictionaries, so definitions here are designed to improve upon other sources. The authority of such definitions are a right understanding of the Scripture itself, adapted from W. A. Wright’s Bible Word-Book.
A, An. 1. The usage of “a” or “an” before words beginning with “h” is not uniform, varied perhaps to other sounds or syllables. 2. Used as a prefix, present tense action or state, “a dying”, (Luke 8:42), “a fishing” (John 21:3), “an hungred” (Matt. 4:2), “in a readiness” (2 Cor. 10:6). 3. Used with numbers (Luke 9:28).
Abba. (Hebrew) Father.
Adamant. Diamond.
Apron. Cloths tied on, worn as clothes
Begat/Begotten. Progenate as a male, to father offspring.
Behemoth. Large herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck.
Ensample. An example taken on internally, to adopt and become the same as.
Eye of the needle. Literally a hole in a needle.
Firmament. Atmosphere, including the concept of “firmness”.
Herb. From Latin, meaning plants, specifically those used for food (fruits, nuts, herbs, etc.)
Little space. A short interval.
Neesings. Of a sea-dwelling dinosaur-like creature, to breathe out fire.
Replenish. To keep fresh, keep topped up, keep well.
Whale. Literally a whale.