A Century of the Pure Cambridge Edition: And the Future of the King James Bible by Matthew Verschuur has been revised and expanded.
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A Century of the Pure Cambridge Edition: And the Future of the King James Bible by Matthew Verschuur has been revised and expanded.
Freely download this book here!
I am sorry that these answers are text dumps, copied from the comments sections of some youtube videos. I haven’t copied the accusations, just the answers.
Continue readingIf you would like to read a lot of Bible every day, or have a set scheme of Sunday readings, then why not follow a plan?
In fact, why not follow the plan that was in front of the 1611 King James Bible, adjusted to the 1662 plan, as is presented in the vintage era Book of Common Prayer.
You can read the Bible through by following the calendar, have special Sunday readings, and even follow the movable calendar which will start and override from one of the Sundays after Epiphany. You can read special readings for the holy days as well.
As Protestants, you don’t have to regard any of the feasts and so forth, like the crypto-Catholics, Laudians, Restoration monarchists, Jacobites and so on did, and you can ignore the Apocrypha readings, but still it would sit well if Christians were reading the same thing and following a traditionally established plan.
It surely can’t hurt to read of the birth of Jesus on 25 December or remember the resurrection of Christ on a certain Sunday relative to the moon and equinox according to the Gregorian calendar. I know Pentecostal preachers advocate for a proper Christmas and a proper Easter, but not everyone is on board because of the fact they were once the pagan and the heathen festivals of Saturnalia and Eostremonath. (We have no problem with Thursdays or March and look who they are named after.) I do think we should be very cautious about what has happened to All Saints’ Eve (Halloween).
If you are afraid of embracing error because of the spiritual dryness of liturgical Christianity, perhaps you should think more like the spiritual power of born again Christianity can find merit and use in taking back our heritage and reformation values. I don’t think for one minute someone is going to slide into error because of reading the Bible according to some long established plan. The Bible and the Holy Ghost lead to truth, after all.
Ideal copies of the late Victorian form of the Book of Common Prayer, which was printed all the way to the time of the late Queen Elizabeth II, are available. (That is, not the failed 1928 or other modern forms). This is one online: https://archive.org/details/bookofcommon00unknuoft/page/20/mode/2up And here is another: https://archive.org/details/bookcommonpraye09englgoog/page/n14/mode/2up
People should not be surprised that a Word and Spirit Christian would embrace truths from Pentecostalism, 17th century Puritanism and the historical Book of Common Prayer.