It is quite interesting to see that Roman Catholics say that Protestantism is divided. There is a true form of Protestantism which exists regardless of the many varieties, and that is the orthodox doctrines in regards salvation, the Deity of Christ and other foundational doctrines.
But Roman Catholicism is itself divided, broadly between modernists and conservatives, but also on various rites and rituals. And there are differences between which “Church” Council mass one might follow (e.g. Trent or Tridentine versus post-Vatican 2). And among the more traditional Catholics are those who not only insist on retaining Latin, but some go all the way to rejecting the modern popes (e.g. Sedevacantists).
And far from holding one set of doctrine and catechism, teachings in Romanism have evolved. After all, teachings have actually developed over time, even quite recently:
Veneration of angels and dead saints — 375 AD
Worship of Mary — 471 AD
Extreme unction — 526 AD
Purgatory first established in 593 AD
Invocation of saints — 600/700 AD
Kissing the pope’s feet — 707 AD
Image worship — 787/788 AD
Canonisation — 995 AD
Infallibility — 1086
Indulgences — 1190/1563
Confession — 1215
Transubstantiation — 1215
Supremacy — 1215
Half communion — 1415
Purgatory — 1438/1439
Seven sacraments — 1439/1547
Apocryphal books — 1547
Priestly intention — 1547
Venial sins — 1563
Sacrifice of the mass — 1563
Immaculate conception — 1834
Papal infallibility — 1870
Assumption of the Virgin Mary — 1950
Also, different Vulgates have been approved over time which differ in various passages. They are the Sistine, Clementine (with sub-catagories), Stuttgart and Nova Vulgata.