Catholic education’s war on truth

Very recently I happened to be in a Catholic High School’s library, and I looked in the 220 section, which has Bibles and books about religion. As I browsed the various books, I came across a startling book about “Social Justice”.

I skimmed through the book, and was struck by how completely this book was presenting a Socialistic, extreme left-wing view, telling the children to not only promote a communistic equalisation of society, but to become activists, that is, ideological warriors who would participate in a variety of actions like propaganda campaigns, unruly street protests and other such anti-patriotic, anti-traditionalist and anti-conservative activities.

It is truly shocking that the bare-faced communistic message pushed by Lenin or Latin American groups would be so profoundly and openly allowed and lauded for today’s young. And this book was put out by some Roman Catholic group.

Another book nearby, also from a Catholic publisher, was called “Rainbow Serpent Theology”, which basically lamented that Christian missionaries had converted Australian Aboriginals, and that now these left-wing Catholics would promote this pantheism.

The fact is that what are actually radical, extreme and vile teachings of social justice and antichristianity is now being pushed by a whole faction of the Roman Catholic organistion. What is worse is that a whole section of High Anglicans and the Uniting “Church” have likewise turned to this way of thinking. The Eureka Street Jesuits, the Caritas organisation and others are poisoning hundreds of thousands of young minds.

Pr 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

We are in the middle of a social, cultural war where the left seem to dominate the entire space.

We need to turn back to the Bible and its world-impacting influence and outworking through Anglo-American culture.

Ps 11:3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

Human kind is not “equal”, but rather, each person is either closer to or further from the ways of God. Only Christ Jesus can make a person right before God, and it is in Him where everyone has their place. Some people are called to one thing and some to another in the Kingdom of God.

The socialistic and anti-Christian teachings spewing forth in the world and among many religious organisations today about “equality” is decidedly against the teaching of the Bible. It is not “liberation” to make your own way in life. The Christian religion gives true liberty, because sin is a great overmaster. Those promoting all those left-wing causes are actually promoting license, and are trying to create an environment where the Word of God has no effect (e.g. their anti-Gospel message to the Aboriginal elders).